Juvenile age
juvenile {adj.} SV volume_up ung dum barnslig ungdomlig ungdoms- juvenil barn- volume_up juvenile {substantiv} SV volume_up tonåring ung person volume_up juvenile book {substantiv} SV volume_up ungdomsbok volume_up juvenile home {substantiv} SV. Juvenile synonym
ung, naiv Föreslå en synonym eller ett motsatsord till juvenil. | Nytt ord? Vad betyder juven i l? barnsligt ungdomlig (biologisk term, medicinsk term) som avser unga individer, (om sjukdom) som drabbar barn || - t; - are Bygger på Bonniers svenska ordbok av Peter A. Sjögren, Iréne Györki och Sten Malmström, e upplagan
Juvenile hall
Vi hittade 10 synonymer till nedan vad juvenil betyder och hur det används på svenska. Juvenil betyder ungefär detsamma som alla synonymer nedan.
Juvenil betyder
Juvenile Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster The meaning of JUVENILE is physiologically immature or undeveloped: young. How to use juvenile in a sentence. physiologically immature or undeveloped: young; of, relating to, characteristic of, or suitable for children or young people See the full definition Merriam-Webster Logo Menu Toggle. Juvenile detention
relating to a young person who is not yet old enough to be considered an adult: juvenile crime / offenders He was later taken to juvenile detention for violating the terms of his parole. Compare adult adjective medical specialized affecting children rather than adults: The following year, he was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. juvenile arthritis. Juveniles betyder på svenska. Vänligen
Juvenile definition: A juvenile is a child or young person who is not yet old enough to be regarded as an | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Vad är juvenile? % betydelse och
Logistik avser flödet av varor, och tjänsterna eller information som rör sig in och ut ur en organisation, från uthyrning och köp av en gaffeltruck, till användning av en distributör i USA. Annonsering ⓘ. Medan SCM: s huvudfokus är att få en konkurrensfördel, handlar logistik om att uppnå kundnöjdhet. Vad betyder juvenile? Här hittar du
Tricia Christensen. Ward of the state refers to a person who is under the legal protection of some arm of the government. It could occasionally mean that a specific court protects the ward, and the term "ward of the court" is sometimes used in the same way. Though it’s common to think of unadopted, parentless or abandoned children or foster.